The PIU Communicator Library

Marijuana Business Insurance Solutions - 09/24/2024

The U.S. legal cannabis industry has been enduring some growing pains.  Several years ago, when many states legalized the sale of marijuana and THC products for medicinal as well as recreational use, sales and market share exploded.  Corporate and state government revenue projections were outstanding.  Investors were lining up, tens of thousands of new jobs […]

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Life Insurance Awareness Month - 09/10/2024

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM), and hopefully you have checked out the great marketing material and informational pieces developed by Life Happens ( in coordination with LIAM.  This worthwhile initiative was created decades ago to help educate the general public on the many important facets and uses of the various forms of life […]

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Impaired-Risk Solutions Part 2 – Failure to Survive - 08/20/2024

Petersen International has a growing portfolio of term insurances that provide high-limit death benefits for impaired-risk business cases. The amazing product line is called Failure to Survive.  Failure to Survive (FTS) insurance has many attributes and applications that will prove to be useful to your business clientele.  FTS coverage will save many of the cases […]

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A Buy/Sell Failure to Survive Case Study - 07/23/2024

Petersen International’s Failure to Survive product provides a simplified-issue death benefit on a term chassis to customers who need coverage quickly or who are not eligible or the right fit for traditional term insurance.  Typical uses of the insurance are for third-party key person situations, to indemnify buy/sell agreements and other business contracts, divorce decrees […]

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New Electronic Applications - 06/25/2024

Due to increasing product demand with a growing need to streamline policy application processing and ensure continued exceptional and expeditious service, Petersen International is excited to announce the immediate implementation of several new online product applications for the Key Person Failure to Survive (FTS) plan, the Buy/Sell Failure to Survive (FTS) plan as well as […]

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Preserving Corporate Continuity - 04/30/2024

The most important and fundamental of assets to the continuity and financial success of any American business of any size is not in its financial holdings or intellectual properties, nor is it in the more tangible equities like manufactured product, real estate, office equipment or machinery.  A company’s most important asset is its workforce, the […]

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