Get a Jump on Year End Production

New 2007 Products and New Markets Now Available
At the fingertips of the folks who are on The Communicator list are new 2007 products ready to enterprise a great production wind-up for 2006. The recent substantial production from these new products since their introduction affirms this statement.
We have introduced our new Loan/Lease(Disability) Insurance Plans. It was our stated belief based on good market research, that bankers and creditors would be very interested in having their loan customers equipped with such High Limit Loan Disability Insurance.
Credit insurance is abundantly available to guarantee payments on such small loan purchases as appliances, furniture and even orthodontics. Due to credit insurance regulations and carrier underwriting limits, credit insurance falls far short of covering the loan service on business or professional loans. Equipment, supplies, tenant improvements, moving and relocating, buying out a partner or a competitor involves large loan needs. Needs of $100,000, $1,000,000 or $20,000,000 can be handled with ease.