Key Person Insurance

Every business and professional firm, profit and nonprofit organizations, charities, churches and educational institutions have at least one member of the organization who is key to the success of the organization’s mission. This axiom is recognized by most people and protecting against the loss of services of a Key Person due to death is a common practice.
Disability Insurance has become more commonly recognized as an essential tool in meeting the peril of disablement in the past few years largely as a result of highly visible personalities being sidelined and ineffective as a Key Person.
Key Persons come in assorted shapes and sizes and are identified by a variety of titles; they are of either sex and range in age from very young to advanced ages. For these reasons and more, the capacity and flexibility of the High Limit Disability Plans; Executive 400, Physicians and Surgeons HLD and the Disability Solutions Plan are needed to provide adequate coverage amounts. The underwriting capabilities at PIU, are needed to enterprise this market niche.