Great Ideas for Unique Insurance Sales Opportunities: When 2 or More = 1

When 2 or More = 1
Last week we wrote about the idea of “Just One”. The title and story was a reference that offering just one specific type of coverage (Disability Insurance) can make you a hero to the under-insured, and under-protected income earner and business professional.
“Just One” is the action to get adequate disability insurance in place. However, it is often “Two or More” disability plans that allow the “One” to work sufficiently.
Many income earners have a need for more than one disability policy. This is true if your client:
Earns an income of over $75,000/year, or
Is a principal or a key person of a business, or
Is approaching his or her 60’s, or
Has partners, or
Just hasn’t increased his/her coverage in several years