The PIU Communicator Library
Business Travel Accident Insurance - 03/05/2024
In the financial services world, many of us spend a lot of time on the road. Now that the COVID hysterics have generally died down, the frequency with which we find ourselves in hotel rooms fighting jet lag, preparing for early morning meetings seems to be increasing as business relationships have mostly gotten back to […]
Severance Disability Solutions - 1/23/2024
As corporate takeovers, mergers and acquisitions continue to be regular occurrences in many business markets, occasional workforce reorganization and downsizing throughout most industries are inevitable. Most importantly for employment liability safeguards, tactful and conscientious business owners will provide comprehensive severance packages at the moment of termination to assist the severed employee through that often-difficult life […]
Overlooked Disability Solutions for Everyday Needs - 05/19/2023
Here are some lesser known, nevertheless fantastic financial protection solutions that allow clients valuable insurances without the potentially dangerous need of assigning personal disability benefits. The following available Petersen International products assist in keeping personal income protection intact while addressing other personal or business-specific financial needs with alternative disability program options. Loan Indemnifications Banks and […]
New York Disability Bill Passes - 08/09/2021
Petersen International is extremely pleased to announce we can now write business disability insurance programs in the state of New York. The legislature for the state of New York as well as Governor Cuomo have officially signed bill S5760-A into law. Known as Catastrophic Business Disruption Insurance, the bill allows for business disability insurance to […]
Business Solutions for Dental Practices - 02/25/2020
Running a successful dental practice is physically demanding and very expensive. Graduate school loans, mortgages, equipment financing, book of business buy-outs and property leases can all negatively affect the bottom line of a dental professional. Most general-practice dentists, dental specialists and oral surgeons are holders of multiple bank notes, letters of credit, promissory notes and/or […]
Asset Conservation Using Disability Insurance - Tuesday, March 26, 2013
When selling life insurance, many producers may use the pitch that one excellent reason to purchase life insurance is for asset protection. The concern, of course, is that upon death there are numerous financial obligations that must be resolved, ranging from estate taxes to financial dependency for the surviving family members. The funds from the […]