Welcome to the Producer Zone

The rapid evolution of technology over the last two decades has changed the business world forever.  Slowly fleeting are the glory days of the salesperson and the insurance broker.  Those making deals face-to-face with witty dialogue and a handshake must now turn their attentions toward text messages, conference calls and computer chats.  The life and health insurance industry of the 21st century is now focused on automation in almost every aspect, including sales, underwriting and policy delivery.  Computerization is not limited to a carrier’s home office either.

Agents and brokers as well have a multitude of technological advancements at hand (literally).  While many cellular phone apps, like simple benefits calculators, may seem like flashy gimmicks, there are many useful software platforms available to insurance producers that assist in making sales smoother and client relations and retention better.  One such program is the Producer Zone which is provided to insurance agents free of charge by Petersen International Underwriters.

The Producer Zone is a finely-honed proprietary electronic platform designed primarily for the benefit of U.S.-based life/health/disability insurance producers.  The easy-to-follow program allows an agent secure review of case statuses, details of outstanding requirements as well as access to commission and production reports.

Moreover, the Producer Zone, with real-time updates, provides 24-hour access to online application links, new business submissions, agent/broker licensing materials, customized marketing options, billing reports, policy “paid to” dates and in-depth details of in-force, lapsed and cancelled insurance policies.

The program is an incredible tool that puts the power of a back office in the palm of your hand – for free!  Call Petersen International at (800)345-8816 for a producer agreement and to learn how you can gain access to the Producer Zone.

Targeting Both Ends of the Age Spectrum

As of 2015, Millennials outnumber Baby Boomers in the United States by almost eight million and represent more than a quarter of the American population.  Our greatest sources of prospective clientele now fall upon the youth and those nearing retirement – opposite ends of the spectrum.  As an industry, specifically in the life and disability insurance markets, we must cater to both of those demographics if we are to grow our businesses.  But how do we focus on groupings of persons who seem to be so different including their values, ideologies and lifestyles?  We must wear different hats at different times.  We must be flexible and embrace sometimes contradictory marketing methodologies. Read More


Discrimination Is Alive and Well

We are not here to wax philosophical about race, religion or sexual orientation, but we want to contemplate ongoing financial discrimination against the wealthy in America as it pertains to insurance.  The United States is arguably the most successful, richest country in the world.  There are by far more billionaires in the U.S. than in any other nation, and there are more than 10 million Americans who currently hold the title of “millionaire.”  This is a land of economic freedoms and opportunities that few other places on earth offer.  But in this progressive state of capitalism there are quite a few financial drawbacks and potential pitfalls for those who work hard and are lucky enough and savvy enough to remain truly wealthy. Read More