The PIU Communicator Library

Severance Disability Solutions - 1/23/2024

As corporate takeovers, mergers and acquisitions continue to be regular occurrences in many business markets, occasional workforce reorganization and downsizing throughout most industries are inevitable.  Most importantly for employment liability safeguards, tactful and conscientious business owners will provide comprehensive severance packages at the moment of termination to assist the severed employee through that often-difficult life […]

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Some Thoughts on Disablement, Disability Insurance and the International DI Society - 1/16/2024

Imagine being a single mother of 4 children and becoming disabled at the age of 45.  This is a story that I lived when my mother became ill and could no longer work.  She was a strong willed, intelligent woman who enjoyed her career as the only female high-level executive at the Tech company she […]

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A New Year and New Projected Highlights - 1/9/2024

Happy New Year!  2023 sped by and is one for the record books.  It proved to be a prosperous year with growth along most insurance lines of the specialty markets. More than we anticipated.  Individual disability and group GSI numbers climbed while there was a slight slowing along life and accident insurance sales which was […]

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How DI Is Integral to Estate Planning - 12/19/2023

In the most fundamental teachings of life and health insurances, we learn early on that life insurance creates an immediate estate and annuities assist in liquidating an estate.  But what financial tool safeguards an estate during those oh so important income accumulation years while a person’s economic interests build, ride the inherent market ebbs and […]

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The Producer Zone - 11/07/2023

The rapid evolution of technology in the 21st century has changed the business world forever.  Slowly fleeting are the glory days of the salesperson and the insurance broker.  Those making deals face-to-face with witty dialogue and a handshake must now turn their attentions toward social media platforms, conference calls and online meetings.  The life and […]

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The Best Reasons to Incorporate DI in Your Life Insurance Sales - 09/25/2023

Disability insurance is an often undervalued and overlooked product line of the greater health insurance market in this country.  As a devout life insurance advisor, DI might not regularly be on your radar.  Sure, a request for some disability insurance may fall into your lap on occasion from a curious client or from a concerned […]

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