The PIU Communicator Library

Business Travel Hits an All-Time High - 07/28/2015

The business community is now global, far reaching to every corner of the planet.  It is commonplace for executives and salespersons of companies large and small to travel on a weekly, even daily basis for firms that have international interests and multi-national corporate sites.  Business travel spending for U.S. companies has increased 31% since 2009, […]

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Acts of War & Terror - 06/16/2015

Although a culturally rich, diverse and historic part of our planet, for more than a millennia, the Middle East has been a breeding ground for terrorism, religious extremism and violence where social atrocities have become commonplace. The current political climate has remained scalding over the last several years, and with State Department analysts suggesting a […]

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It Comes With The Territory - 03/10/2015

  March 10, 2015 It Comes With The Territory “Fly, yes…land, no” is the response shouted by Indiana Jones, the hero of the of the movie franchise of the same name, as his father questions whether he can pilot a fighter plane off the belly of a 1930’s German dirigible as the two escape from […]

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The Right Choice for Private Pilots -

According to current Federal Aviation Administration statistical data, over 200,000 U.S. residents hold valid, active private pilot licenses.  That figure is not inclusive of the many thousands of student pilots and all those who fly ultralights, powered parachutes, paragliders, gliders and balloons.  Like the rest of the pilot community, recreational aviators are aware of the […]

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Business Travel Accident Insurance: Mitigating Corporate Liability Trends - 11/11/2014

Next time you find yourself in a major airline terminal on a weekday, take notice of how many of those sitting about you are wearing a suit or carrying a briefcase.  In the financial services world, many of us spend a lot of time on the road.  The frequency with which we find ourselves in […]

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Mission Possible - Monday, September 29, 2014

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. Industry professionals have set aside this time of year to pay homage to the grandiose history and promising future of the life insurance community, sharing testimonials and insights into sales techniques, consumer advocacy, new product development and legislative agendas…

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