Monthly Archives: November 2013

Excuse Me for Mentioning it, but…

To a layperson, insurance is an unappealing product. It has no moving parts, no chrome strips. You can’t eat it, ride on it or sit on it. You don’t even hang it on the wall to show your friends. To most, insurance is simply a costly piece of paper that gets tossed into a dark and dusty drawer, never to be thought of until it is time for the premium to be paid…

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What’s Trending Now

Disability InsuranceThe high limit, supplemental disability insurance market is reeling from the current launch of Petersen International’s “Accelerated Benefit to Age 65” excess disability plan. With fewer restrictions on the definition of a total disability and the longest benefit period available in the excess market, the “To Age 65” plan is now providing life and health agents with the most innovative sales tool to reach the market in years…

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