Monthly Archives: April 2020

No Better Time for Key Person DI

Considering the current state of life in the United States, with all of us doing our best to practice social distancing and contactless commerce, many American industries are wavering under the crushing pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lucky for you and I much of the way we transact day-to-day business can be done so electronically and […]

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No Exam, No Labs Term Insurance

In this changed world of social distancing and government mandated stay-at-home orders, the long shadow of the Coronavirus has definitely taken a toll on American businesses and financial sectors.  The life insurance industry has yet to be hit hard, but experts are seeing a general slowing trend among financial services businesses including most lines of […]

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Lemonade from Lemons

The pandemic that has swept through our country has created major stress in everyone’s lives.  Shopping and food supplies, while available, are more difficult to readily attain, and restocking often needs to be planned rather than just jumping in the car anytime you want. There are also new stressors at home.  Kids must stay at […]

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